
Kami HypeHunters Production & Studio

Kami memproduksi podcast, wawancara, video edukasi, profesional konten/TikTok/Shorts di dalam studio kami yang berlokasi di Kuta.

Tentang studio

Kami bekerja 24/7

Team profesional

Perlengkapan yang modern

Insulasi suara dan penyerap gema

Studio kami dibuat khusus untuk merekam konten berdurasi panjang dengan kenyamanan yang maksimal untuk para speaker, dengan internet berkecepatan tinggi untuk webinar dan siaran online. Kami menyesuaikan pencahayaan dan interior untuk membuat konten anda unik.


1 jam
3.250.000 idr | $200
2 jam
4.250.000 idr | $260
4 jam
6.350.000 idr | $390
6 jam
8.250.000 idr | $520
(perpanjangan 1.650.000 idr/jam | $100)


1 jam
3.250.000 idr | $200
2 jam
4.250.000 idr | $260
4 jam
6.350.000 idr | $390
6 jam
8.250.000 idr | $520
(perpanjangan 1.650.000 idr/jam | $100)


1 jam
4.100.000 idr | $250
2 jam
5.300.000 idr | $325
4 jam
7.800.000 idr | $490
6 jam
10.600.000 idr | $650
🔥 Pengeditan podcast dalam  24 jam  - $350
(perpanjangan 2.450.000 idr/jam | $150)


2 jam
11.350.000 idr | $695
3 jam
12.950.000 idr | $795
4 jam
14.600.000 idr | $895
(extending 2.450.000 idr/jam | $150)


1 jam
5.300.000 idr | $325
2 jam
7.500.000 idr | $460
4 jam
9.650.000 idr | $590
(perpanjangan 2.450.000 idr/jam | $150)


Profesional cinematic video editing, audio editing dan color grading menggunakan DaVinci Resolve
Podcast — 4.900.000 idr | $300
2 jam sumber: editing multi-kamera, pemrosesan suara, koreksi warna artistik, pengeditan teaser/pengumuman, presentasi pembicara, integrasi iklan Anda, cuplikan teaser
YouTube video — 4,100,000 idr | $250
Video selesai 10 menit: editing multi-kamera, pemrosesan suara, koreksi warna dasar, integrasi: b-roll, teks pop-up, gambar, efek
Reels — 4,100,000 idr | $250
Minimal 5 video: editing multi-kamera, pemrosesan suara, koreksi warna artistik, integrasi: b-roll, teks pop-up, gambar, efek
Subtitle untuk video — 100.000 idr | 5$
per 1 menit


Based on 22 reviews
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Mikaela Beam
Mikaela Beam
13:32 09 Oct 23
They provided me with professional video production equipment and a studio that fully met my requirements. The team was attentive, responsive, and ready to help in all aspects of the project
13:20 08 Oct 23
The guys have a PlayStation 5, while the team was preparing for filming I was relaxing playing mortal combat 1. Hype Hunters has an incredibly clean studio with the smell of Tom Ford.
Roman Dobkin
Roman Dobkin
12:49 08 Oct 23
I rented their fully equipped studio for my project and was pleasantly surprised by the high quality of the equipment and the professionalism of the team.
Martin Driggers
Martin Driggers
20:15 07 Oct 23
I rented their studio, which was spacious, well-equipped, and fully met my needs. The staff was friendly and professional, always ready to assist. I had a great experience working with hype hunters
16:41 07 Oct 23
I thank the Hype Hunters Production team for the best webinar of my life. The guys did all the work turnkey, and I just came and enjoyed their work. These are professionals in their field. I have never seen such a service anywhere in the world, only in Bali.
Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
11:14 23 Sep 23
The studio setup is fantastic, and the equipment is of high quality. Their team's expertise in video production is evident from start to finish. I'm grateful for their support and recommend HH
Mehdi Delavari
Mehdi Delavari
07:28 18 Aug 23
I would like to express my gratitude to hype hunters for their professionalism and the quality of their work. The team of video production experts demonstrated a high level of creativity and technical skill. The results of our collaboration exceeded all expectations. I highly recommend it to anyone in search of top-class video production services.
Sakineh Karimi
Sakineh Karimi
21:01 14 Aug 23
Their team of video production professionals displayed high levels of creativity, attention to detail, and efficiency. I am completely satisfied with the quality of their work and highly recommend it to anyone in search of top-notch video production services.
Surya Puja Dewata
Surya Puja Dewata
05:19 12 May 23
Daria Katolik
Daria Katolik
06:24 23 Feb 23
The best video production in Bali😍 Much love for the team and their work.The team perfectly understands what you want, they will tell you how to do it better, they are very attentive to details and at the end they give you an awesome result.I recommend this studio if you want to work with real professionals!
Bali Letim
Bali Letim
05:52 23 Feb 23
Cool vibe and clear paperwork.Probably it's best Video Production in Bali.
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